Saturday, May 27, 2006

[interview_Film2.0] 비의 본명 찾기 / Find Rain’s Original Name

본격적인 세계무대 진출을 앞둔 가수 비가 곧 영화배우 정지훈으로 스크린에 등장한다. 그 영향력과 위상만으로도 정지훈은 2006년 한국영화에 내릴 뜨거운 비다.
Ahead of advancing onto the steady stage in the world, the singer Rain appears in the screen as the movie actor Jeong Jihun in a short while. Only with the influence and status, Jeong Jihun is a hot rain to fall down upon the Korean Movies 2006.

무대에서는 ‘비’지만 이제 카메라 앞에선 ‘정지훈’이라 불러다오. 비가 박찬욱 감독의 <싸이보그지만 괜찮아>에 출연하면서 본명을 되찾았다. 얼마 전 ‘타임’ 지 선정 ‘세계에서 가장 영향력 있는 100인’에 선정된 비는 예상을 훌쩍 뛰어넘는 행보를 보이고 있다. <올드보이>로 칸국제영화제 심사위원대상을 수상한 박찬욱 감독이 한국영화계의 선두에 서 있는 인물이라면, 비 역시 선두에 서서 가요계의 상식과 한계를 정면 돌파한 엔터테이너다. 그것은 주로 아시아에 한정된 기존 ‘한류’마저 넘어서는 것이다. 그런 점에서 영화계와 가요계 양쪽의 가장 뜨거운 두 첨단이 만난 <싸이보그지만 괜찮아>는 특별한 의미를 지니고 있다.
It was ‘Rain’ on the stage, but call him ‘Jeong Jihun’ now in front of a camera. Rain regained his real name in the movie of the director Park Chanwook . Chosen by the Time magazine as one of the most influential 100 persons in the world a while ago, Rain is showing a better movement forward than expected. Just as the director Park Chanwook, who won the best award of judges in the International Cannes Film Festival through , is in the van of the Korean world of movies, so is Rain a great advanced entertainer who’s directly outgrown the common senses and limits of the popular singers’ circles. This means, he is even beyond the existing Korean wave limited to mostly Asia. In that sense, there is a special meaning in , in which the two hottest vanguards from both worlds of movies and popular music met.

해외에서 쏟아진 질문의 대부분은 뭔가?
What are mostly the questions asked at overseas?

가장 먼저 일본과 중국이 아닌 한국 엔터테이너라는 사실에 놀라 한다. 그리고 아시아인으로서는 이런 자리에 오게 된 게 처음이니 어떤 느낌인지 묻는다. 최근 한류라는 트렌드에 대해서도 너무 잘 알고 있어서 굉장히 기분 좋았다. 일본, 중국과 다른 한국만의 독자성을 서서히 인정받고 있는 듯한 느낌이다. 그리고 박찬욱 감독을 모르는 사람이 없다보니 내가 그의 신작에 출연한다는 것을 알고 정말 혈안이 돼 있다. 나중에 어떻게 욕을 할까?(웃음) 과연 어떤 멋진 작품이 나올까 하면서.
First of all, they are amazed that I am a Korean entertainer, not Japanese or Chinese. They asked how I felt, considering I am one of the first Asians to come this place. I was very pleased because they knew somewhat a lot about the trend of Korean wave. It seems the Korea’s own uniqueness different from Japan or China’s has been little by little acknowledged. Since few were ignorant of the film director Park Chanwook, they showed a heated interest in me, knowing that I would appear in his new piece of work. On the other hand, how should I be greeted with all the shower of abuse later on, if a nice one doesn’t come out? (He smiles.)

오래전부터 꿈꿔왔던 미국무대 진출의 꿈이 언제부터 가시화되고 있다고 느꼈나?
When did you felt something being actualized about the dream of advancing to the stage of America which you had dreamt since long ago?

'타임'이 선정한 100인에 뽑히고 미국언론과 관계자들을 만난다고 해서 미국 진출이 당장 현실화되는 건 아니다. 다만 뭐냐면 지금 좋은 기회들이 많고, 황정민 선배님이 말했듯이(웃음) 누가 밥상을 차려줬다면 그걸 잘 먹어야 하는데 소화를 잘 할 수 있을까 걱정이 드는 거다. 그런 점에서 가장 큰 숙제는 언어의 벽이다. 올해 영어에 대한 준비를 잘 해두면 몇몇 접촉이 있는 레이블을 통해서 내년쯤이면 굉장히 좋은 소식을 들려줄 수 있을 것 같다. 그쪽 관계자들도 이제 아시아의 배우들이 할리우드 와서 액션만 하던 시대는 지났다고 말하고 있다. 아시아 배우들이 멜로 하는 거 보고 싶고 더 나아가 다른 장르에서도 보고 싶다면서 칭찬을 많이 들었다. 물론 그 흐름이 일시에 바뀌지는 않겠지만 그들도 조금씩 시장성을 보는 것 같다.
Even if you may be chosen as Time’s 100 and meet the press or relevant persons in America, the advancement to America isn’t actualized right at the moment. The thing is, if there is many a chance and if somebody had set the table to eat, like senior Hwhang Jeongmin said (he smiles), you should eat it deliciously. But may I digest it nicely? That’s what I am afraid. In that sense, my personal biggest homework is language barrier. If I prepare myself well for English, I guess I might let you have great news through label sources that I have contact with by the time of next year. “The time has passed by that Asian actors performed in action only in Hollywood,” said the persons concerned there. I heard them saying in their compliments they wanted Asian actors and actresses performing in melodrama, or furthermore in other genres. Of course, it won’t be easy for the flow to change at a swoop, but the marketability seems to have been being allowed for little by little.

타임 파티에서 제리 브럭하이머와 만났다고 해서 화제가 됐다.
At the party of the Time magazine, it became a topic that you met Jerry Bruckheimer.

사실 파티에 참석하면서 꼭 보고 싶었던 사람은 어릴 적부터 우상이었던 조지 루카스 감독이었다. 다행히 직접 보긴 했는데 떨려서 인사는 못 했다.(웃음) 자유로운 현장 분위기 속에 윌 스미스하고도 인사를 나누고 미국의 상징적인 인물들을 다 만나서 대단했다. 그러다 우연히 제리 브럭하이머의 옆자리에 앉게 됐는데 사실 처음에는 누군지 몰랐다. 어디서 왔냐? 한국에서 왔다. 뭐하는 애냐? 나 가수고 영화도 한다. 당신은 누구냐? 이렇게 대화가 이어졌는데 그 사람도 내가 자기를 못 알아보니까 ‘나를 모르나?’하는 의아한 표정이었다.(웃음) 제리 브럭하이머라는 얘기를 듣고 <더 록> 등 내가 좋아하는 할리우드 블록버스터들을 대부분 제작한 사람이라는 생각이 들어 영광이었다. 나도 ‘Rain'이라고 소개를 하니까 그도 많이 들어봤다면서 반가워했다. ‘원래 동양남자들이 당신처럼 이렇게 키가 크냐?’고 물었고 ‘보통 이소룡과 성룡만을 생각하는데 느낌이 다르다’고 말했다. ‘체격조건과 목소리는 확실히 좋다’면서 명함을 건넸고 ‘빠른 시일 내에 연락할 일이 있었으면 좋겠다’고 했다.
Rather, the person I sure hoped to meet in the party was George Lucas who was my idol since childhood. Luckily I saw him in the face, but couldn’t greet him due to a tremble. (He smiles.) In a liberal atmosphere of the spot, I shared greetings with Will Smith. And I meet a lot of America’s significant persons. By and by, I happened to be seat by seat with Jerry Bruckheimer. Actually, I didn’t know who he was at first. The conversation with him started like this: Where are you from? I am from Korea. What do you do? I am a singer and participate in a movie, too. What do you do then? As I couldn’t recognize him either, he was somewhat at a loss in his expression, “Don’t I know you?” (He smiles.) To hear he was Jerry Bruckheimer, I felt honored, thinking he is a maker of many blockbuster films of Hollywood I like, such as . I introduced myself as ‘Rain.’ He looked pleased too, telling me he heard of me a lot. “Are Orientals originally as big as you?” he said, “You feel different, compared with my usual thinking of an oriental image only of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.” And he handed over his name card saying, “Your physique and voice is sure great. I wish we may have any opportunity to have contact at any earliest.”

<싸이보그지만 괜찮아>에서 임수정이 싸이보그지만 괜찮다고 생각하는 남자, 그리고 자신 역시 타인의 성격이나 특기를 훔칠 수 있다고 믿는 일종의 정신병자로 출연한다. 현재 그 인물에 어느 정도 다가간 것 같나?
In , you appear as the man who thinks that Lim Sujeong is a cyborg but is okay, and you too as kind of a psychopath who believes can steal other person’s personality or specialty. How closer do you think you are to the character?

나 스스로는 다 돼 있는 것 같고 인물에 심취해 있는 것 같은데 감독님과 얘기를 나누면 또 아닌 것 같고 계속 찾아가고 있는 중이다. 감독이 생각하는 인물과 내가 다를 때도 같을 때도 있는데 워낙 내 의견을 잘 들어주신다. 들어주시는 척하면서 정작 어떤 컷을 쓸지는 모르겠지만(웃음) 내 나름대로 계속 해석해나가고 있다. 나 역시 TV 드라마 세 편 정도 하면서 내 나름의 약간의 연기철학이 있었다고 생각했는데 이번에 다 깨졌다. 연기도 장처럼 오래 묵을수록 좋은 것 같다. 아무리 애써도 연륜은 따라갈 수 없는 것 같다. 그래서 아직 ‘연기자 정지훈’이라고 하면 많이 부끄럽다. ‘이번에는 열심히 했구요’ ‘어떤 배우가 되고 싶구요’ 그런 설명을 덧붙이지 않더라도 오래 기억되는 작품이 됐으면 좋겠다. ‘잘했다’는 얘기를 들을 정도 하고 있다고는 자신한다.
I might have felt myself up to par and somewhat deep in the character. But exchanging talk with the director, I feel below par at times. So I keep searching. There are times when the character the director thinks and mine are different. But he would listen attentively to my opinions. Pretending to be listening, which cuts he will actually use, I don’t know, though. (He smiles.) I am interpreting in my own way. Having been in previous three dramas in TV, I believed I had some kind of my own philosophy of acting. This time, much of it went to pieces. Like soybean paste, acting seems better as it is older and older. However hard I try, I cannot seem to beat the annual rings of a tree, or the wisdom of age. Accordingly, I feel much ashamed of being told the ‘actor Jeong Jihun.’ Even if not adding the words ‘I did try very hard this time,’ ‘I’d like to be such and such an actor,’ I’d like this work to be a long-remembered one. Meanwhile, I am at least as convinced as I can receive compliments of ‘well-done.’

가지고 있던 그 나름의 연기철학이었다면 뭔가?
What is your own philosophy of acting you have had?

철학이라고 말하기에도 부끄러운 일이지만 나는 대본을 보면 그냥 내 자신이 그 사람이 돼야 한다고 생각했고 노력했다. 그래서 매번 그 인물에 대해 어떤 성격이고, 버릇은 어떨 것 같고, 또 말투와 옷차림은 이럴 것이다, 하는 걸 늘 쓰고 다녔다. 그런데 이번에는 다르다. 왜냐하면 정신병자에다가 가끔 보통사람처럼 돌아올 때도 있다. 그리고 굉장히 순하고 착한 면도 있다. 남들은 이해 못해도 그들만의 세계가 있다. 정신병자를 바라보는 고정관념과는 좀 거리가 있는 인물들이다.
Ashamed to say my philosophy of acting, yet if I looked at the script given, I just thought I should be that character myself and then tried hard. Therefore, each chance I got, I would jot them down on the memo, what the character’s peculiarity is, what habits he might have, his way of talking, his style of dressing, and such forth. This time is different. Because he is a psychopath and sometimes comes to senses like a normal person. And he is very mild and good-natured. If others don’t understand them, they have their own world. They are a little distant from the fixed ideas with which people look at a psychopath.

지금껏 박찬욱 감독 영화에서 좋아하는 영화가 아니라 장면들을 꼽아본다면 어떤가?
Which scenes, not film titles, do you think are the scenes you’d choose, in the films directed by Park Chanwook yet?

두 장면이 있다.(웃음) <복수는 나의 것>에서 신하균 선배가 집에 갔는데 기다리고 있던 송강호 선배가 설치해둔 장치 때문에, 문을 열다 전기 감전이 돼서 쓰러져 파닥거릴 때 그냥 지나칠 수도 있는 장면인데 한참 웃었던 기억이 난다. 그런 참 이상한 정서가 마음에 든다. 그리고 <올드보이>에서는 최민식 선배가 감금방을 나와 수평 롱테이크로 긴 액션 신을 펼칠 때 정말 감탄했다. 나도 운동을 해봐서 아는데 그런 롱테이크는 육체적으로나 감정적으로 정말 쉽지 않다. 굉장히 놀랐다.
There are two that occur. (He smiles.) In , senior Shin Hagyun was going home. Because of a certain device senior Song Gangho set up, he got electrified and fell on the ground while opening the door, and flopped along. The scene might have been just gone by, but I remember I laughed for a while. Such a strange scene of emotion occurred to me. In , out of confinement, Choe Minsik showed a long action scene in a horizontal long take, at which I was really amazed. I know because I practiced exercise. Such a long take is not easy either physically or emotionally. I was greatly amazed.

이번 영화에서 자신도 그런 장면들로 기억됐으면 좋겠다는 욕심이 나는가?
In this movie, do you have a desire to be remembered as such scenes?

사람은 누구나 그런 욕심이 있겠지만 감독님이 끌고 가고 생각하는 콘티가 있어서 거기서 혼자만의 욕심을 낸다면 다 흐트러질 거다. 그리고 좋은 장면들이 분명히 이번에도 나한테 있다. 그래서 매신 매컷마다 사람들 기억에 남기 위해 열심히 해보려고 하는데, 어쩌다 감독님이 생각하는 것과 다르면 내가 좀 오버했다고 느낄 때도 있고, 그러면서 적응하고 있다. 연기는 하면 할수록 더 어려운 것 같다.
Everybody might have such desire. But there is the continuity that the director wants to draw along. So there if one has his own greed, things will go astray. Certainly, there are good scenes for me this time. So, each scene each cut, I shall try harder to be left in people’s memory. At times if what the director thinks is different from mine, I feel I was overdoing myself. In so doing, I have been adapting myself. The more I do acting, the harder it seems to be.

이번에도 웃어야할지 울어야할지 모를 기이한 유머가 있나?
This time too, is there an odd humor that is hard to be differentiated between if one should laugh or if one should cry?

그렇다. 뭐냐면 아주 재미있을 만한 신인데도 굉장히 담백하게 간다. 웃기려고 하지도 않고 그렇다고 안 웃기려고 하지도 않는 굉장히 어려운 연기가 요구될 때도 있다. 처음에는 의아할 때도 있는데 나중에 현장 편집해보면 그게 정답일 때가 많다. 이번 영화에서도 역시 감독님의 색깔이 확연히 드러나는 것 같다.
Yes. It is an intriguing scene. However, it goes very indifferently. There are times of very difficult acting in which you shouldn’t make them either laugh or cry. At first, I was sometimes at a loss, but compiled, it was more often a better answer. In this movie too, the color of the director’s seems to be very clear.

그럼에도 ‘로맨틱 코미디’라고 말해지는 이 영화에 적응이 되나?
Despite that, are you getting adapted to the movie called ‘romantic comedy’?

사실 나도 정말 감이 안 잡힌다.(웃음) 전에 한번 감독님께 ‘사람들이 이 영화 장르가 뭐냐고 물어보면 어떻게 답할까요?’했더니 ‘일종의 로맨틱 코미디 아닐까?’ 그러시더라. 다른 스탭들 모두 그렇게 생각하고 지금까지 왔다. 일단 영화는 재밌다. 내가 잘해서가 아니라 오달수 선배님처럼 막강한 조연 선배님들을 보고 있으면 한마디만 해도 웃음이 터지고, 상대역인 임수정 씨도 재밌고 귀엽게 나온다. 각자 캐릭터가 확실하고 분명 굉장히 새롭다.
In fact, I have little comprehension yet. (He smiles.) Once, I asked of the director, “How should I answer them to the question of this film’s genre?” He said, “How about calling it kind of romantic comedy?” The other staff members have all thought that way yet. The movie is interesting. Not that I do well, but that if I look at the good assistant actors and actresses like senior Oh Dalsu, just their mere remark of words makes us laugh and my partner Lim Sugeong is looking fun and cute. Each of the characters is positive and sure very fresh.

이번 영화에서 일종의 밥통 헤어스타일을 하고 나온다던데? 변신이 놀랍다.
In this coming movie, I was told you hairdo may be like a container for boiled rice? which looks amazing.

나를 버렸다.(웃음) 완전히 영화에 올인했다. 이전까지 기억되던 비라는 사람으로 안 보이고 오직 그 캐릭터만 보일 거다. 진짜 연기가 좋아서 하는 거고 이 영화 끝내고 나면 조금 더 성숙해질 수 있을 것 같다. 데뷔 때를 생각하면 내가 여기까지 오리라고는 전혀 생각 못 했다. 그땐 1등이든 장려상이든 제발 상 하나만 달라, 하는 심정이었다.(웃음) 그런데 그런 것들을 다 이루고 더 큰 걸 앞에 두고 있어서 어떻게 요리해나가야 하는지 두려운 마음도 있다. 감독님도 한번은 ‘전혀 다른 길을 가다가 내가 너랑 만난 거 신기하지 않니?’ 그러시더라. 매번 어디까지 갔다고 생각하면 또 다른 길이 보인다. 그렇게 좋은 결과가 있을 거라 생각하고, 또 잘 해낼 수 있을 것 같다.
I’ve given up on myself. (He smiles.) I am devoted to the movie. I want to be out of the previous person Rain who I was and to be only into that given character. I do acting because I really like it. After the movie, I think I might find myself more matured. If I recall my days of debut, I never thought I would come this high up here. On those days, I merely imagined I wished I were to get any single award, regardless of first prize, encouragement award, or just any whatsoever. (He smiles.) Now that I’ve completed all those and am in front of a bigger one, I’ve gotten fearfulness about how to get along at the corner of mind, too. The director said, “Isn’t it marvelous for us to meet on each different path from other?” If one thinks he or she is up to somewhere, there is another one up there to go each time. Hoping there awaits us a good result ahead, I am positive things will turn out better.
Translated by prlttr of
People - Interview
비의 본명 찾기 / Find Rain’s Original Name
<싸이보그지만 괜찮아> 정지훈 Jeong Jihun, [I’m a Cyborg, But It’s OK]
Reporter Ju Seongcheol(주성철) / May 19 2006

Re: Rain Forecast (Updated 24 MAY 06)

May 2006

8 May 2006 - Attending Time 100 party, Lincoln Centre, New York

20 May 2006 - ING concert, Seoul

22 May 2006 - Pop Jam performance [Free Way] in Japan

25 May 2006 - Releases "Road for Rain" Photobook+DVD

27 May 2006 - I-concert, Seoul

28 May 2006 - Fanmeeting in Seoul [with Cloud-Korea]

June 2006

7 June 2006 - Release of new Japanese Single "Free Way"

8 June 2006 - Mnet/Hallyu performance + Press Conference in Vietnam

15 June 2006 - Fanmeeting in Japan, Budokan
16 June 2006 - Event in Japan, Budokan

Aug 2006

9 Aug 2006 - Releases 3rd Japanese single

Singer Rain's fans will have to wait until after the middle of 2007 to watch him in a drama.

A worker at JYPE said "We are receiving many scenarios from drama producers daily. There are some drama that we are sad and sorry to have to reject but Rain's schedule is too full till middle of next year to star in a drama." on May 26th in a phone call.

If we think about what Rain needs to do in the next year or so, what the person at JYPE saying is not an excuse. First Rain will be releasing his 2nd Japanese Single on June 7th. The 2nd single includes the title song "Freeway" and another song such as "Feel so alright".

Then Rain will release his 4th album in Korea during October and will perform in various shows in Korea. He is currently shooting his first movie "I'm a cyborg but it's ok" and when the movie is released during the holiday season, he will start his Asian Tour in 11 countries. Then when the Asian Tour is over around May of 2007, he will release the English album which he has been preparing for many years.

Looking at all the above things he needs to do, it is possible to see that other then his acting in the movie it will be hard to see Rain as the actor Jung Ji Hoon any time soon. The worker for JYPE also said that "acting involves the working together of many people and it take a lot of time. so it is very hard to control how his schedule is going to work out. Also, since Ji Hoon is preparing for the Asian Tour and his entrance into the U market, it will be hard for him to assume his acting role."

Rain uses his real name Jung Ji Hoon while he is acting and he debuted his acting career in 2003 KBS2TV drama "Let's go to school Sang doo". Then he stared in KBS2TV drama "Full House" in 2004. Then KBS2TV drama "A Love to Kill" in 2005. Through his performance in the drama "Full House" he has been awarded the Popularity Award, Outstanding Acting Award, and Best Couple Award at the 2004 Actor's Awards.

Article taken from JYPE website
translated by
source: RainSingapore

Rain has no personal life for now

Just like a hamster who just keeping running on its wheel, I have been going back and forth between the shooting location and my hotel."

Rain who is staying in Pusan to shoot his first movie "I'm a cyborg but it's ok" as Jung Ji Hoon, has no personal life for now.

A worker at JYPE said that "The shooting starts early in the morning and finishes late at night. After the shooting is done, Rain goes to his hotel fitness center to work out. Rain does not have close friends in Pusan and he is also very serious and dedicated to his performance in the movie so he does not even think about doing anything else."

The worker at JYPE also said that "Jung Ji Hoon was akward about the movie sets in the beginning but now he is joking with the staff and enjoying the movie shooting. And his acting with the female co-star Lim Soo Jung is getting better and better everyday."

As of now the movie "I'm a cyborg but it's ok" is about half done.

On May 27th, Jung Ji Hoon is back to being the singer Rain to attend the "I love you Korea 2006" I-concert at the Seoul Jam Sil Olympic stadium along with singers Lee Hyori, Kangta and Vanness, SG wannabe, SS501.

Translation by: janeytokki of

BYJ's investing in Rain's movie

As Key East's dominate shareholder, BYJ and Korea's prestigious film makig company CJ Entertainment have agreed to invest in several films together.

On the 23rd, Key East annoucned that they are investing 10% production fee in CJ Entertainment's four movies.

The four movies includes Rain's first movie, "I'm a Cyborg, it's okay.". The three other movies are "Partner", "Dad, Mary and Me" and "Life is cool". Other than these four movies, Key Easy also has prioirty in investing in other four CJ Entertainement's future project.

In March BYJ's original company, IMX and Soft Bank invested together and created Key East, they were involve in the producting SBS's drama "Smile Again" and so on.

Credit: Bambiina@soompi
Kr to Ch
Ch to Eng: Veronicaleung

Rain visit in Japan on 22 May: Behind-the-scenes

Shortly after noon, Rain arrived at NHK safely. I was just thinking, "Rain is now busy with his movie. I wonder if he is tired?" At that moment, I saw Rain greeting the crew members with his usual bright smile. Has he been training during this period of time. He looks fitter than the last time he visited Japan. Looks so energized. The moment he entered the studio, he started rehearsing immediately. Rain has memorised every single word and pronunciation of the lyrics as well as dance movement for his song. All of us were shocked. Turned out he didn't want to disappoint his Japanese fans, so he only slept two hours last night just so he can do a final run-through for his Freeway performance. The people at the TV station were all very concerned about Rain. After this, they immediately travelled to the TV Station for his rehearsal and performance. There were many rooms prepared for Rain, but in the end, he still ran off to the smallest resting room to chat and joke with his dancers. After that, they set off again for NHK. In the resting room, Rain was having sushi, ramen, bento, eel fish cake and continued his rehearsal all the way until it was time for his performance. As Rain was the second last to go on stage, he saw many artistes with their different styles. However, he was actually very nervous, "I wonder if my fans will come today?"

The performance was early by about 10 mins. When it was time for his performance, when Rain stepped onto the stage, the cheering from below the stage was so loud it was never heard of before. Actually, the fans who have come to support Rain today have only heard the teaser version of his single's second song. Cheering him on should be pretty difficult. But who knew the cheers fror Rain would be so loud? After his performance, he expressed happily, "I'm very happy today. Really looking forward to the arrival of next month". On the way back, he started taking photos of himself making funny faces on the bus. He then showed them off to his dancers, and everybody had a good laugh. When the bus was on the roads of Aoyama, he saw a big scooter. He was inside the bus looking out the window like a kid, "Ah...That bike is so cool", "Ah...I want one so much!" and they all started to get all excited in the bus. After this, they had a good dinner at a Japanese eatery and went back to their hotel.

Credit: biwithrain//jinlees@soompi //low-key mysterious source
Low-key Jp to Ch Translation: ca0825
Low key Ch to Eng Translation: Rayndrop //Spot-translating: Yun
source: RainSingapore

Rain Lost His Money

Several days ago someone was waiting for Rain outside of JYPE.

Then a JYPE staff member has said that Rain had lost some money. Some were questioning how much did he lost, was it a lot? How much was it? Someone had found money at the JYPE parking lot. Was the amount of money huge?

It was only 2000 Won (approximately $16 CNY, $2 US). Laughed so hard that my stomach hurt¡¦.but it was really cute and lovable. It wasn¡¯t 20 million won or 200 million won it was 2000 won. That is our lovable Rain.

Someone had found the money in the parking lot. Rain was looking all over for it. The next day people said he had bags under his eyes. So they said the founder will give Rain back his money when the founder sees him.

Credit: from //jinless/soompi
Ch to eng:
source: RainSingapore

He said, he said

He said, "I have at least two weak points. Being this open about this is making me a little embarrassed. My grades this term is lower than the minimum requirement of the school. I really want to study well, but managing work and studies is really so difficult. I hope I can have more time to study next term."

He said, "I know I don't have the best outlook, and I know I am not good-looking. But inside, I am very outstanding. Every time I go on stage, I tell myself that I am the best. After a performance, when I walk off the stage, I tell myself I am not the best. So each time before I go onstage, I make sure I'm 120% prepared, so that I can give my 100% onstage. Every day, I train myself non-stop. I have been lacking enough sleep for a long time, when I'm not working, I am gymming, rehearsing my dance or practising my singing. It's the same when I'm filming. If I don't do it well, I won't be able to sleep. Whether as a actor or a singer, I want to do my best. Don't worry about me not having enough sleep, because after I'm dead, I'll have plenty of time to sleep.

He said, "I can dream while sleeping, but I can also dream without sleeping."

He said, "There is something I am afraid of, and that is myself. I'm most afraid of myself turning lazy."

He said, "I am a perfectionist. I have always been good friends with Jin Young. He is a perfectionist, so I got influenced gradually. I think "this will do" and "relaxed attitude" cannot be used in the situation today, so naturally, I want to achieve perfection is everything. Frankly speaking, with so many fans looking at me, I am not without stress."

He said, "For the stage, I have given up so many things: Love, college life, drinking with friends...all these are things I've never done in a normal way. In particular, I didn't do my duty as a son...and many other countless things which I have not been able to take care of."

He said, "I have been very greedy both about work and love. At the moment, between love and work, I have chosen work, because I feel work is more important. But I don't know what will happen in the future."

He said, "Nobody can lead a life getting what they want without making some sacrifices. I feel that when you sacrifice some, you'll also gain some. For example, it's nice meeting with friends. But you can't be meeting your friends and be practising your dancing at the same time. I think sometimes you can't help but sacrifice some things that are important to you to achieve ongoing improvement. But this doesn't mean I'll give up my friends. It's just that in life, you just have to sacrifice some enjoyment in excahnge for other things."

He said, "When mother was around, I didn't feel anything. But after mum left, I found out there are many things which pain my heart. I miss my mother's fried cuttlefish. No matter where I go, I can't find that taste anymore...small things like that pains me terribly.

He said, "Hardworking women are the sexiest. Yup. In comparison to women who wear less, women who work more are far sexier."

He said, "A few days ago, I was sitting in the studio when I suddenly felt homesick. I'm always like that, missing father, missing sister. Although father said not to be worried about them, but every time I go overseas, I get worried naturally, I am in a foreign country so far away, and what are they doing now? I want to live with them, I want to fly home now..."

He said, "I take initiatives and am very decisive. With regards to any matter, I am the kind who will take initiatives. No matter what is it, I want to be the one to give directions. To me, making decisions and giving directions is easier than following the orders the of other people."

He said, "I've cried because I didn't do perform well in my dancing or singing before. This happens often. Even now, I'll still think, 'Why can't I do it?' Thereafter, I'll keep trying until I can do it. This is the only way to make me feel better."

He said, "Actually, viewers are very cruel. Because they will not think, 'It's because he's sick, so he didn't practise; it's because he's too tired, so he didn't practise. We can understand all these, it's ok'. No, they will not understand...No...I'm not saying it's not matter how much pain I'm in or or how tired I am, because it's a promise I made with all of you, so I must keep my promise. There are also many people waiting for me. This stage is my promise to everybody. I do everything to keep this promise till the end."

He said, "I will always remember the promise I made to my fans on stage. If I cannot fulfil this promise, I will not be able to sleep."

He said, "Sometimes I'm so tired I just want to fall to the floor and sleep. But after I win the battle against this hardship, I can feel myself grow up a little more."

He said, "In comparison to working hard for a few years, what is more important is the attitude you take while working hard."

He said, "I work hard to surpass myself."

He said, "I know not everybody will like me, so I will work harder."

He said, "I wanted to sing "Cannot get used to", but I can't because this song reminds me of mother."

He said, "During this period of time, I am not Rain. I can walk on the street freely without people around me chasing me along. I am the just a normal guy, Jeong Jihoon. No planner full of daily activities, I can do whatever I want to do. It's like I've shrugged off something very heavy. I'm in a great mood. Come to think of it, such days are not bad. Will I always lead a life like that? Hopefully in the future I can. But not now, now I cannot."

He said, "40 years later, perhaps there will be such a day. Gazing at a sudden downpour of rain, or a gathering of clouds in the sky, you will say, 'There was a singer called Rain.' And I will say, 'There is a cloud that is together with Rain.' I hope our hearts will remain like this, suddenly reminded of each other sometimes like lovers do."

Credit: Consolidated by Yu_zhongbutong@Baidu
Ch to Eng: Rayndrop
source: RainSingapore

Rain’s trip to America: misses his mom

Credit: jinlees@soompi
Ch to Eng: Anzangel@sexybi

After Rain attended Time 100 Magazine Party he returns to Korea and accepts an interview with one of the newspaper because it was its 3rd anniversary. Through the interview he said, “No matter how hard you try in some events, and how many efforts you put in. You may not succeed. In 2002 of May Rain made his debut. “I practice singing and dancing days and nights yet many people still do not want to accept and do not want to believe in me. I felt very sad at the time.”

Later on, Rain realized why he had worked so hard and put so much effort into this. He had realized that he is a perfectionist and this was making him unhappy. Rain realizes he asked for perfectionist too much when he’s on stage and this was affecting his performance. He was feeling nervous all the time, feeling that he was doing something wrong. His performance was unnatural; as time went by he wasn’t as nervous as he was before. His performance was much more naturally and he performance at ease.  
Now that everything seems to be going well all he can think of is his mother. In 2001 she passed away due to diabetes. He said “Mom would be really proud of me if she knew I had won the Time 100.”   

The Rain nowadays still seeks for challenges. At the end of this year he will start his Asia tour. The Asia tour will build up his reputation in Asia and it should also help him stable his status in Asia. Through this he will break into the USA market next year. When Rain attended the Time 100 in the States the host had said something that left Rain something to think about. It was unforgettable for him. The host had said “Time 100 was selected from 60 billion people in this world. Therefore, no matter what you do, you would have to respond to 6000 thousand people. “I am very touched by what he said. From now on, no matter what I encounter, I will not falter, and will face all the obstacles with a determined mind.”

[Korean News] Jihoon visits Vietnam on 8th June

Jihoon visits Vietnam on 8th of June, at a stadium in Ho Chih Minh to participate MNET and some Hallyu performance put together by local entrepreneurs. He'll also hold a press conference on that day. JYP said, "Rain has received many invitations, but none worked out eventually. This is the first time he is meeting Vietnam fans. Rain has been running on a hectic schedule lately because of his filming commitments in Korea and Single promotional activities in Japan. He departs for Vietnam on the morning of 8th June and returns the next day. He'll be going to Japan on the 13th of June, having his fan-meeting on 15 and 16th. Tentatively, he is set to return to Korea on the 19th.

Kr to Ch: Yunrain
Ch to Eng: Rayndropea on the 19th.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Will Rain draw floods of fans?

The New Paper [Singapore] 22.05.06
Hallyu Buzz by Chang May Choon

Would you pay $500 to see Rain here?

Not the typical downpour, of course, but the strapping Korean hunk whose sizzling wild dance moves are know to reduce fans to puddles.

Most wouldn't fork out such a big sum for an Asian concert - the highest in recent years is $198 for local songbird Stefanie Sun's January gig - but die-hard Rain fan Stephanie Loh would.

"Yes, if I can get super good seats like the first two rows," said the executive secretary, 33.

"Some poeple will say, siao (Hokkien for crazy) ah? But you really have to see him perfrom live to see what's so captivating about him on stage.

"Every concert is different and to see him in Singapore would be a totally different feeling because it's our home ground."

The reason we're asking is this: In a press release sent to Taiwanese media, rain has just announced his intentions to tour 11 Asian countries and hold 35 concerts from December to mark the release of his fourth Korean album.

Singapore is on the list of countries he intends to perform in, as well as our neighbours Malaysia and Indonesia, and the usual suspects HongKong, Taiwan and Japan.

But while the news is exhilarating - if it happens, it will be Rain's first concert here and the first time a Korean artiste breaks into the concert circuit here - the reality is not so rosy.

It is common for an artiste to announce he is going to tour in a particular country even before a contract is signed - which seems to be the case here.

The New Paper checked with three major local concert organizers - Unusual Productions, Hype Records and VizPro - but not could confirm plans yet for a Rain concert here. All declined to talk about the feasibility of bringing the K-popster in, but we understand from industry sources that is will be a mean feat.

The main reason: Rain, 24, is deemed too expensive.

Being the top star he is, he will probably command top billing too.

Ticket prices depend largely on production costs and the artiste fee. And that's not including special requests.

For instance, fellow K-popster BoA's managers asked for a private jet as part the tour package, said one insider.

Rain's upcoming Global Project 1st Concert In The World - Rain Asian Tour, which boasts world class performance, equipment and stage effects - is expected to cost 40 billion won ($64m) to produce and attract over one million fans, reported Yonhap News Agency.

A quick calculation shows that each of the 35 shows would have to seat at least 20,000 to 30,000 people to keep ticket prices low.

Since our biggest venue, Singapore Indoor Stadium, can only accommodate 10,000, the concert promoter will have to carefully juggle production costs and sponsorship and estimae how much the audience is willing to pay.

Enough fans?
Whether all the seats can be filled is another challenge.

The Rain Singapore fan club here has just 2,800 members and Rain's last album, It's Raining, shifted only 5,000 copies here.

However, it is believed Rain's drawing power extends far beyond these figures due to his constant media exposure - he was just in New York as one of Time Magazine's list of the 100 most influential people in the world and will release a new Japanese single next month - and his credible efforts in acting.

He is now in Pusan filming his first movie - a cyborg love story by Old Boy director Park Chan Wook - and his new drama serial, A Love To Kill, has just been release here in VCD.

Still, The New Paper decided to play devil's advocate and throw the question to Rain fans: How much would you pay to see your idol perform here?

Now, we understand that the most-pit rate for Rain's last concert tour is about US$150 ($235), higher that the $198 top-range ticket to local songbird Stefanie Sun's concert here in January.

The reaction we got was mixed.

Only one die-hard fan, Ms. Loh, who has travelled to Bangkok and HongKong to see him perform, would fork out $500, while others gave lower figures.

Administrative executive Gina Wong, 30, said that $350 is reasonable.

"Every show is a new experience, and we've been waiting for a year for him to come already."

Events manager Tan Wei Wei, 30, who has seen Rain's concert DVD five times, said she would pay a maximum of $200 to see him perform live.

"It will be a sore-throat experience! Watching the DVD alone makes me feel like moving to the rhythm," she added.

"HIs dancing is great and the whole stage design and special effects really boosted the ambience. There's also his six-pack abs and his cute, romantic, sexy and masculine persona."

As for Secondary 2 student Lim Heng Xiang, 14, she said she would save for two weeks to set aside $150 for Rain.

"He dances very well, so I will go (see his concert) no matter what."

credits for the newspaper scan: Ayu @ Sexybi

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Rain Special Interview: "I'll get married immediately once I meet a girl who I can get along with ease"

16 may 06, Korean Herald
Journalist Gil Hye Seong reports(
Pictures by Bae Seon-Ji (

Credit: biwithrain// jinlees@soompi
Kr to Ch: irbi @ 비withRain
Ch to Eng: Rayndrop

Rain (real name: Jeong Jihun)

Borned on 25 June, 1982, Single, 24. Yet every movement of Rain is not only closely watched by people in Korea, but are also of concern those in many other Asian countries. Just only been four years since he made his debut as a singer, and he has already achieved marvellous results in the Asian entertainment industry.

Since July 2004, he has made an income of US$6 million in the Asian market. In terms of economic value, he can be considered as a "one man enterprise". Rain's fame and value in the Asian market has achieved recognition when he became the first Korean artiste to be chosen as one of "Time 100 Most Influential People". Having returned to Korea on the 10th after attending the Time 100 party held at NY Lincoln Center, Rain accepted Korean Herald's special interview at JYPE, Seoul Cheongdamdong, for our 3rd anniversary special.

First of all, congratulations for making the Time 100 list. How do you feel about being chose, and what left you with the deepest impression at the Time 100 party?
It's like a miracle getting chosen as one of the Time 100. As a Korean, and as an artiste, I am very surprised I got nominated. I also feel a great sense of responsibility. The Time 100 Party was held at 8pm (US time), and I met the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice; Senator, Hillary Clinton; Jennifer Lopez, P Diddy, Famous producer, Jerry Bruckheimer, Movie guru George Clooney. In particular, I had a long chat with Jerry Bruckheimer. He said the Asian art culture is of very high standard, and suggested we worked together to produce a good piece of work when there is a chance. I was very happy.

We heard that your Asia Concert Tour will start end of this year, consisting of 35 concerts in 11 Asian countries with a total investment of 40 billion won in production fee.
I plan to kick off the Asia Concert Tour at the end of this year after I've released my 4th album in October. This concert tour holds a lot of meaning to me. I guess it will be of the standard of of a global artiste, and it will be my chance to build a firm foundation based on my Asian performances. I'm looking forward to it.

Going beyond Asia and becoming a world-reknown global artiste. What do you think is the force that fuels your rapid growth?
I think it is the credit of serial dramas that allows me an opportunity to show my singing and dancing performances. I'm not handsome but is loveable. That could be one of the reason *laughs*. Most importantly, I try my best to show the real me.

Recently, there have been discussions in Korea about Hallyu losing its effects. What kind of strategy is needed to keep hallyu going on?
Going totally localised is the best strategy. I also feel that close interactions between artistes in Asia are very important as well. As an artiste who goes overseas very often, I feel that the support from my local fans are really important.

You made an income of US$6 million between July 2004 and June 2006
Really? I'm not too clear about these money matters, and not too concerned as well. I think as long as you put your heart in your work, wealth and fame will come naturally.

You started living in Pusan since late March to film Director Pak's "I am a Cyborg, is that ok?" What are your thoughts on this?
It's going to be an interesting movie. You'll be able to see a very different me in this movie. Director Pak is well-known to all as a master in his trade. I have a lot to learn from him when it comes to acting.

There were rumours of "10 billion won contract signing fee". Everybody is very concerned about whether you will continue your contract with JYPE.
I don't think it is time to think about the contract yet. I still put work as number one, as usual.

What are your secrets to relieving stress and maintaining your energy level?
I don't have much stress. When I'm tired, I like to play Starcraft. This invigorates me. And of course, eating well and working out to increase my stamina.

What's your ultimate goal in life?
I want to be a good father who can command respect, just like my father, because family is very important to me. If tomorrow, I meet a girl who can tolerate me when I'm angry, and whom I can tolerate when she is angry, I think will get married immediately. Come to think of it, if I get married, I may work even better (laughs). In my work, once I begin, I work give my best, just like breaking into the US market.

Korean Herald is celebrating our third anniversary. Please say something to our reader.
I will work hard to reach higher, but I will never be proud. I hope the readers of Korean Herald can scale the heights with me. I hope everybody can come watch my concert if you have the time. Thank you for your support.

Rain's Fourth Album would be released in October.

News released from Korea on May 19th annoucned that Rain will be releasing his fourth album in October. The album would be sold in Korea, China and other 11 countries at the same time. During the promotion period, famous musicians would be invitied to Seoul to participate in the album release press conference.

A representative from Rain's agency's JYP Entertainment said in October, when Rain releases his fourth album, the album would be sold in 11 countries at the same time and they would invite their Asia business partners and media to join the press conference hold in Seoul.

They also announced that at the end of the year, Rain will hold 35 shows in countries such as Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Asian countries. They are planning to invest 400 billion Korean Wan for this project.

Famous producer, JYP is producing thalbum. As the album will be release among many countries in Asia, the album will include songs with various versions to fit the international market.

Ch to Eng: veronicaleung@sexybi

From a Korean Fan: "Little things that touches me: Our kind Jihoon"


Because it's about Jihoon's private life, I have been hesitating if I should post this.

I saw a friend the other day. In actual fact, she does not like Jihoon very much, but she told me that she's heard about Jihoon, and she has been touched. My friend works at a broadcasting station, and this is an account of a journalist during the Time 100: "Rain is really a very kind person (this is something everybody knows...). The journalist said, "i've never seen such a down-to-earth person, it's like he has never had flared his temper before. I'm sure there are times when work well, but he never blames other people. The praise "kind" is not easy to come along, but anybody who knows Rain will say he's kind. Looks like he may be more kind-hearted than we think he is...Also, he is very concerned about the staff and dancers around him, to the extent people are envious of them. Last year at the Pusan Concert, he stayed in Pusan for a week. One of his good friend's parent (can't remember which one) was critically ill. For that one week, he flew to and fro just to help his friend take care of his sick parent. I'm so touched... and he had to take care of his concert too. Hasn't Jihoon said before, "Because he is so engrossed with work, he lost many friends".

The extent he goes to, who will leave him? Jihoon, who has been touching our hearts with these small things, fighting! We will always be by your side!:wub:

벴레畇돨: 굳鬼鬼돨慤헙먁땡
瞳밤꺄애묏鱗,侶角늴TIME100돨珂빅唐몸션諒綱폅돨: 黛廬돨角寧몸붤좁돨훙。(侶角强떼列돛돨慤茄。。) 션諒綱:닒윱청숨법侶척팰茄돨훙,봤蹶儉닒윱앎꼇삔랙삽寧湳。묏鱗폅윱완땍唐꼇糠懃돨珂빅,뎃儉닒윱꼇찔瀆
깎훙。 좁侶몸銅쳄늦꼇角컸척휭弄앎콘돤윱돨,뎃죄썩例賓돨훙떼綱儉좁,였윱儉궐乖쳬拳蹶돨뻘狼좁。。 뻘唐儉뚤鷺鍋돨묏鱗훙逃관윅儉돨校곈붤밑亮,돕죄횻훙郡캭돨뒈꼍。。 뻘唐혼쾨릉蘿나삔돨珂빅,儉瞳릉댜죄寧몸槿퍅,儉돨봤툉堂만캡櫓돨寧貫(션꼇헌角强죄)깹誇,寧몸槿퍅
儉떼콘隣돕侶蘆넋똑,强뻘콘잼역儉켱? 寧蕨痰鬼慤헙윱먁땡乖쳬돨例賓속答, 乖쳬삔寧殮톈곈瞳콱돨璘塘。。。

Kr to Ch: Yunrain@baidu
Ch to Eng: Rayndrop

Rain and Song Hye Kyo become neighbours

Male and Female leads of "Full House",
18 May 06, Heraldm News
Journalist Gil Hye Seong reports (

Rain and Song Hye Kyo are leading actor and actress of KBS summer hit in 2004, "Full House". Through a recent bid, Rain has successfully acquired a bunglow located in a high-class residence area that is located in Seoul, Samseongdong, near Gyeonggi High School. This effectively makes the two neighbours because Song Hye Gyo's residence is located just 100m away from Rain's new place.

A neighbour living in Samseongdong, near Song Hye Kyo said on the 18th, "Somebody was moving in yesterday (17th). Upon asking, I got to know that the new owner of the house, Rain, will be moving in." She also said, "Superstar Song Hye Kyo also lives nearby, so now that even Rain is living in Samseongdong, this is really great!"

Rain and Song Hye Kyo plays an interesting couple in "Full House", a hugely popular serial drama in Korea and the Chinese-populated regions. Rain has become a huge Hallyu star because of this, hence the news of two becoming neighbours has attracted great interest.

On the 16th, Rain successfully bidded for the house which was formerly occupied by comedian actor Seo Se-won and his wife Seo Jung-hui with 3billion, 107 million and 4 thousand won (3,107,004,000 won :sweatingbullets:). In 2002, the Seos bought the house taking up a total area of 157ping (5652 sq ft), building measuring 97ping (3492 sq ft). There after, the place was rented to celeb couple Lee Jae-yong and Yu Ho-jung in 2003. They paid a guarantee deposit of 800 million won. In 2004, the rights to the house was transferred to someone else. However, when Lee Jae-yong and Yu Ho-jung wanted to move out and claim back the deposit, they had an argument with the homeowner. Hence, this house was up for bidding since last year September.

Credit: bithwithrain// wloi@ soompi
Kr to Ch: irbi from £ªºñwith Rain£ª
Ch to Eng: Rayndrop


Rain buys house in Seoul previously owned by a korean ex-tv host

Artist Hsu Seyuan and Hsu Senki couple's private house located at Seoul Chiang Nan Area SansenDong has been saled on the court sales event, the buyer is the popular artist Rain.

Hsu Seyuan(sound translated)

According to the sales information corporation Digital Taein, the Hsu's private house at Chiang Nan Area SansenDong 67-22 has been saled in Seoul Central Local Courthouse, the final price is 3170 million and 40 thousand han dollars, 105% of the judged price.
The buyer is Rain, and only he participated in the bid.

Ggi sales company manager Park kahyun says, the location of the housing is in a high class residential area, many artists lives nearby, and reportedly Rain participated in the sales event because he couldnâ???t find a house here.

The house is a total of 5652 square feet, the building is 3492 square feet and had a basement plus two floors above ground. This house is located west of Kingki high school, and in the nearby high class reisdential area, and has been previously occupied by the Hsu couple.

Original news from Rainhk

Photographers comment on Bi

Gim Ji Yang: Sebeun Studio (김지양: 세븐 스튜디오)
I was doing a photoshoot on Rain in Milan for a certain publisher. That was our first time working together. He's very different from the glamorous person we see on TV. In actual fact, he is like a model student, a very quiet young man. But once the photography session begins, he transforms into a different person. He listens carefully to the requests of the photographer, and throws himself wholeheartedly into the work. His serious attitude towards work is very moving.


Yun Gyong Il: Baramgieok Sajin-Gwan (윤경일: 바람기억 사진관)
Even from the viewpoint of a man, he is very charismatic. This is the first time I experience this feeling in my course of work.


Yee Jae Yun: Studio Pol (이재윤: 스튜디오 폴)
He grasps his sense of style very well. Photographers are always able to find pictures of him that they need from his work and performances.
He has a beautiful body. No matter how nice the clothings are, they are no match to his figure.


Credit: jinlees@soompi
Ch to eng: Rayndrop

Rain Gives Up "Rock in Rio" Performance to Keep Promise to Fans

Singer Rain has been planning to advance into the world market. But he has recently given up a chance to perform at a world-renowned music festival in order to keep a promise with his fans in Korea.

Rain has been invited to "Rock in Rio," a world-renowned rock music festival in Portugal to be held from May 26 to June 4, a first for an Asian artist. "Rock in Rio" is a world-class rock festival attended only by top artists from the U.S. and Britain, as well as Portugal and Brazil, the original host country of the festival. Rain was invited to the festival following his solo performance at Madison Square Garden in New York, another first for an Asian artist.

Rain was supposed to perform at "World Stage," one of the festival's three stages alongside "Hot Stage" and "Electronic Tent." He was supposed to perform on June 4, the final day of the festival. But the organizers asked Rain to move the date to May 26, the first day of the festival, with the purpose of having Rain perform with Shakira and Jamiroquai, whose performing style is similar to that of Rain.

But Rain decided to give up attending "Rock in Rio" after the schedule was changed, because he believed he would have a very tight schedule for his fan meeting slated for May 28 in Korea if he attended the festival in Portugal.

An official from Rain's agency, JYP Entertainment, said, "With much attention given to 'Rock in Rio,' Rain had made many preparations. But he could not change his schedule due to his fan meeting. He wanted to keep his promise with his fans in Korea." The organizers of "Rock in Rio" expressed regret at Rain's rejection of the invitation, while expressing the wish to invite him again in 2008 when the next festival will be held.

"Rock in Rio" started in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1985. Since then, four such festivals have been held until 2004. "Rock in Rio" has been loved by many fans around the world, as it is a festival where top-notch musicians, such as Sting, Prince, George Michael, Britney Spears and N Sync, have performed.

Rain in Hollywood?

RAIN fever is not about to subside soon. The South Korean singer-actor (pic), who attended the dinner hosted by Time magazine to celebrate its “100 Most Influential People of 2006” in New York on May 8, impressed some Hollywood heavyweights too.

Being the first entertainer from his country to make it to the exclusive list certainly does make people sit up, among them American movie mogul Jerry Bruckheimer, actor-singer Will Smith and singer P. Diddy. reported that the three, Bruckheimer in particular, paid special attention to Rain.

Seated next to Rain at the party, Bruckheimer was said to have engaged in a two-hour conversation with the young star about a possible entry into the American market.

A staff member of Rain’s management company, JYP, revealed that “Jerry Bruckheimer asked if Rain is interested in going into the US movie market. He then left Rain with a contact and said he hopes to keep in touch”.

The staffer added that Bruckheimer told the 23-year-old Korean about the movies he has made as well as his series of CSI productions and his collaboration with Chow Yun-Fat in Pirates of the Caribbean 3.

It seemed Bruckheimer told Rain: “Through working with Chow I got to realise that Asian artistes are very serious in their work, and are very humble too.”

c: The Star Online eCentral + KPop Kingdom

Second wave of Korean top stars crossing over to Japan

Even before the heat of Yomiuri Giants slugger Lee Seung-yeop`s bat cooled off, Tokyo Dome hummed with over 40,000 fans waiting for Korean actor Lee Byung-hun, fondly known as "Byonsama" in Japan.

Sporting a gent look in white suit, punctuated by his killer smile, Lee graced the stage for three hours, often joined by guest stars including actress Choi Ji-woo, singers Shin Seung-hoon and Ivy.

Choi co-starred with Lee in television drama "Beautiful Days" (2001) and movie "Everybody Has Secrets" (2004) and is one of the most popular Korean actresses in Japan, earning the nickname "Jiwoohime (Princess Jiwoo)." Lee is labeled as one of the "Big Four," along with Bae Yong-joon, Jang Dong-gun and Won Bin (or Gwon Sang-woo, it depends), who have been leading the Korean Wave, or hallyu, an Asian-wide obsession with Korean pop culture. Now there is a second wave of Korean stars riding on dramas and movies in Japan and other Asian countries: Chung Woo-sung and Son Ye-jin in "A Moment to Remember," which marked the highest box office record, raking in about 3 billion yen in October; Kang Dong-won and Ha Ji-won in "Duelist," due this summer but already much anticipated thanks to their news conference held last month; and most recently director Bong Joon-ho`s monster drama "The Host" that will feature Song Gang-ho and Bae Du-na.

The "Host" was purchased at $4.7 million last year even before the movie was filmed, reflecting the Japanese industry`s interest in the director of "Memories of Murder" (2003), as well as actors and the subject: monster (think Godzilla). The blockbuster will be unveiled at the Cannes Film Festival before its premiere in June in Korea.

Off screen, more Korean stars are crossing the Korea Strait. On Saturday, R&B group SG Wannabe held their first concert in Japan, confirming that ballad singers can also appeal to Japanese fans. Leading the crop of singers is BoA, who topped the Oricon Chart eight times. Boy band Tong Vfang Xien Qi put five consecutive singles in the same chart`s top 10 and is currently touring Japan, with their sixth single "Begin" to be released June 21.

Shinhwa announced that they will enter Japan with their first single in Japanese "Bokurano Gokoroni Taiyouga Aru (There is a sun in our heart)," which will be released next month. The six-member group started a five-month promotion tour across Asia, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan while Seven will visit seven cities in Japan.

Seven performed before 24,000 fans gathered at his first solo concert in Japan earlier this month and was awarded best Korean singer at the 2006 MTV Asia Awards in Bangkok. He is expected to grab another two at MTV Japan`s Video Music Awards Japan and MTV China-CCTV Mandarin Music Honors, making him a "triple crown" winner, following last year`s Rain.

Singer/actor Rain was included as one of the 100 most influential people in the world by TIME, adding more steam to the buzzing career of the 23-year-old, who took the stage of Madison Square Garden in New York in February.

His second single for Japan "Free Way" is to be released next month. Also scheduled in June is a meeting with his Japanese fans in Budokan in Tokyo.

( By Hwang You-mee

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Rain, Ready 35 Performances around 11 Countries in Asia with Release of the 4th Album (비, 4집 음반 발매에 맞춰 아시아 11개국 35회 공연)

'타임'이 선정한 세계에서 가장 영향력있는 인물 100인에 꼽히는 등 세계 무대로의 도약을 꿈꾸고 있는 가수 비가 4집 음반 발매에 맞춰 아시아 11개국에서 35회에 이르는 대규모 공연을 펼친다.
Dreaming a takeoff to the world stage as one of the most influential persons chosen by the Time magazine, the singer Rain is having a massive 35 rounds of performances in 11 countries in Asia in accordance to his 4th Album release of Music.

'GLOBAL PROJECT 1st CONCERT in the World/'RAIN' Asia Tour'로 명명된 이 공연을 총기획ㆍ제작하는 ㈜스타엠 자회사 스타엠플래닝은 10일 "400억원 규모의 예산을 투입해 올 연말부터 내년까지 이어지는 2006/2007 '비' 아시아투어 공연을 진행한다"고 밝혔다.
“We shall proceed with the concerts of ‘Rainy’ Tour in Asia 2006/2007 from the end of this year through next by investing the budget of about 40 billion won,” said the Star-M Planning, a daughter firm of Star-M, Inc., which will look after total planning and producing for the run of performance named ‘GLOBAL PROJECT 1st CONCERT in the World/'RAIN' Asia Tour.’

이어 스타엠플래닝측은 "이번 공연에는 마이클 잭슨, 롤링스톤즈, U2 등 유명 아티스트의 투어 공연을 맡았던 세계적인 무대 디자이너 마크 피셔와 리키 카틴, 브리트니 스피어스, 마돈나 등의 무대연출과 안무를 담당한 제이미 킹이 스태프로 참여하는 등 세계적 수준의 공연이 될 것"이라고 덧붙였다.
The Star-M Planning added, “This one is expected to be a world-class performance, considering the staff would include the world-famous stage designer Mark Fisher who engaged in the music tours of the famous artists, Michael Jackson, Rolling Stones and U2, and Jaime King who engaged in the theatrical direction and choreography of Ricky Martin, Britney Spears and Madonna.”

특수조명 시스템, 첨단특수효과 및 워터 스크린 등 첨단 영상장비와 음향시스템도 도입될 예정.
Also will be introduced a special lighting system, high-technology of special effects, and advanced image-making equipments such as water screen, and a sound system.

비가 찾을 국가는 한국, 일본, 중국, 태국, 대만, 홍콩, 싱가포르, 베트남, 필리핀, 말레이시아, 인도네시아 등 총 11개국으로 총 35회 공연을 통해 약 100만명의 관객이 찾을 것으로 예상하고 있다.
The countries Rain will visit may be 11 countries, like Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. There may be a total of 35 shows, expected to host about 100 persons of audience.

"공연 실황을 담은 DVD, 인터넷 스트리밍을 포함하면 아시아 인구의 30%정도가 이 공연을 직ㆍ간접적으로 체험하게 될 것"이라고 밝힌 스타엠플래닝은 "이번 아시아 투어를 통해 비가 세계적 수준의 뮤지션임을 증명해 추후 미주, 유럽을 포함한 월드 투어까지 기획할 것"이라고 발표하기도 했다.
“Including DVD containing live performance or Internet streaming, approximately 30% of the whole population in Asia may experience his performance directly or indirectly,” said the Star-M Planning, and announced, “After proving Rain to be a world-class musician through the Asia Tour this time, we are thereafter going to plan up to a world tour involving the American continent and Europe.”

source: Raina of Jeongjihun

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Interview with Rain

Ilgan Sports Reports
11 May 06

Kr to Ch: yunrain
Ch to Eng: Rayndrop

Note before translation: This is not the full interview. Yunrain has picked out the main points for translation because the passage is too long.

It's 11am in the late morning of 11th May. Rain appeared like a ray of sunshine on the rooftop balcony of a certain building in Seoul Gangnam. His appearance made a beautiful complement to the blue sky of Seoul. He has just came back to Korea on the 10th from the Time 100 party. Although it has been 4 days 3 nights, the trip was very tiring. Yet, you can't see a bit of that tiredness on his face. This day (11th May), he will need to rush back to Pusan later at 8pm to continue the filming of his movie.

Every time I see Rain, a thought will flash across my mind, "Is this really a young man of 24?" Looking from emotional age, he is like a 40 year old who has gone through the sweet and bitter of life. "You can't succeed without experiencing the hardship", "First and foremost, you need to be a good person", "I don't despair when looking up at a mountain; neither do I feel proud when looking down". It's with these principles in mind, no matter what he experiences (like being famous now, or being a nobody), he will quietly work towards his target. This is how he treats others too.

From the "I want to be number one in the music show" Rain in 2002 who has just made his debut, to the soon-to-be global star that he is today, in the Time 100 party where he met up with the rest of the 99 Time Most influential people in the world, Rain brought along his confidence with that killer smile; his target is becoming bigger. It is still a question mark as to how far this young man is can go...

Carrying the responsibility of 60 million people
Rain, who suddenly has the world looking at him, has unforgettable memories of the Time 100 party. "I've never expected to be chosen by Time. It was until I got there and met all these people did it begin to feel real to me. There were many well-known people from all over the world, and the emcee introduced each and every one of these 100 people. The speaker said, 'All 100 of you need to be responsible for 6 billion people, so each of you are responsible for 60 million people. You will feel the burden on your shoulders even as you drink a cup of tea.' At that time, the famous movie producer, Jerry Bruckheimer was just sitting beside me. He said that the era of Asian artistes is here, and that he is currently in a project with Chow Yun Fatt. He gave me a namecard, told me that he has an office at LV, and asked me to drop by when I'm free. I'm surprised that he take such initiatives with me." Rain then went on to discuss the NY article that said he was imitating Michael Jackson. "That journalist who wrote the comment has never seen my concert before. He merely wrote his commentary based on watching my DVD. Later he wrote a correction and called me to apologise. I told him that my idol is Michael Jackson, and that I'm not perfect."

Rain, who grew up with a impoverished family background, saw dancing as his only way out. The story about his mother who suffered from diabetes, yet asked JYP to put all the money into grooming her son rather than spending them on her hospitalisation bills, as well as the Rain's love for his family, has become very famous.

He attended the Time 100 party with his father. "This is a good present for father. Father usually do not comment on my affairs, but this time, he said to me, 'congratulations'. I think I'm still not doing enough for father. In future, when I have time to rest, i will spend more time accompanying him. If mother is still around, I would act more childishly with her, throwing coy tantrums. Mother changed my life. It would nice if she is still around. But then, such thoughts have run through my head too many times."

He talked about his family and some other related stuff: "During high school, my school results were very bad. Jin Young Hyung said he won't let me release my album if I don't make it to the university. So I went through 2 mock questions everyday and memorised all my math formulae. AT that time, my mock exam results average was about 200 (over 400 points). I clenched my jaws and made a 314 during my exams, finally making it to the university.

I asked him why he work so hard towards his goals, he said he'll like to be an adult. "For a happy family. I work so hard now so I can be an honorable person. I want my children to see all these. After I get married, I want to be able to gain respect from others. Just like how I wanted to be like daddy, it will be nice if my son can have such thoughts too."

Ever thought of getting married after coming back from the US? "I like pretty and kind girls who can cook well. But even if i have a girlfriend now, it wouldn't last. I've forgotten how to treat a girl like one. I used to arrange for activities...although I've brought this up with my assistant before: 'I want to hold my girlfriend's hand, want to go on a honeymoon trip with her...but it's not possible within the next 3-4 years. I need to work hard."

Going back to 6 years ago
"Starting from now" he looks trustworthy. His trip to NY this time has given him new understandings. "The truth is, nobody in the US knows my name. Only some contacts know about Rain. I have never had any promotional activities in US before. This time to NY, I wrote the words "back to 6 years ago" on the wall paper of my handphone. At Times Square, I took my camera and got someone to help take a picture of me. I want to my actions to speak for themselves."

His merit is to be able to pin down his goals, and move towards them steadily. "This year, I want to master my English, then appear in US next year with a new look. Their music is a little like our folk songs. I need to learn that kind of singing technique and create our "spicy R&B". Responses from relevant people are positive."

He pointed out "I have a bigger weapon. Every time I have a new idea, I write it down in my notebook. Running Away From The Sun was borned like that. Some time ago, I looked at my lastyear worth of notes and I had some scary thoughts. This year probably won't do. Next year when I release my album in the US, there will be some earth-shattering stuff. Please look forward to them.

He talked a little about the "Cyborg" movie. I'm learning so much from Director Pak now, and it's very comfortable working with him. This movie is a journey of new discovery for me. I don't harbour too much. I play Ilsun, a patient in a mental hospital. He can steal people's special characteristics. Ok, that's it. I can't say anymore". He takes the director's note of confidentiality very seriously.

JY Park Reveals Plans for Rain

"What can you do if you simply throw an artiste there by himself? Going forward is a chance for us to develop by strategy". Singer- producer JY Park commented on Rain getting nominated one of Time 100 Most Influential People in the World. "Honestly, this is something we didn't anticipate", "Going forward, we need to develop according to strategy" he reveals future plans unhesitantly.

On the 10th at 9pm, JY Park expressed the following at SBS TV studio in Seoul during the press conference of "Superstar Survival", "All these happened faster than we thought it would", "We need to make up for time lost and are hence facing great pressure". JY Park coninued, "It is a big deal for Rain to be nominated as part of Time 100. Although I've lived in the US for 3 years, the Time I read in Korea just feels different." "You can't just throw an artiste there by himself. going forward, we need to develop a stronger strategy." He emphasized that success in the US is not just about having what it takes. You also need strong foundations and strong infrastructure.

In other words, it is necessary to have a system in order to break into the US market, to design to complement the taste of the US mass market, you need to rack your brains. More than anything else, to use the keywords "Asia" and "Hallyu" to build this system. He also expressed, "After the Time 100 party, it's been a long time since I've sat down and had a drink with Rain. We are very difference in characters. I am the kind to challenge. Rain is the conservative kind who will not make a move unless he is very well-prepared. Because of this, we complement each other's working style very well."

With regards to plans of Rain entering the US market, JY park indicates, "Within this year, we will come up with the logo for the US album. Once the logo is completed, it will not be rain, but Lim Jung hee and other black singers we have been cultivating in the US spearhead the drive into the US market. JY Park also said, "Rain will enter the market as a local artiste there", hinting that there are already much preparation going on in this project.

On the other hand, Rain will start his Asia Concert Tour from Japan and China, then Taiwan, Hong Kong, Phillippines etc 11 Asian countries.

Wooooohoooooooooo, Philippines included. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ch to Eng: Rayndrop

Rain Joins Pepsi with a Loud bang

Secret preparation of Pepsi advertisement
Sohu Ent News
08 May 06

Credits: Jinlees@soompi
Ch to Eng; Rayndrop

Pop sensation, Rain, joins the huge Pepsi family of stars. He took several photoshoots at one go. In order to accommodate the schedule of this ultra-busy star, Pepsi moved its entire photography team to Korea.

The Marketing Manager of Pepsi for China, Li Su Fang said, "The image and advertisement design for the Pepsi family is very special. We hope to break through everybody's usual image and explore the potential beyond that. After the martial art and blue bird image (??), just the photography of this year's image took us 8 months. We broke through the past image of Pepsi's superstar image. But it was hard on our superstars, especially the guys, because they needed to make some preparation and sacrifice. I believe the result will be very satisfactory. But I want to share a small appetiser with all of you: Rain's black Tee image.

This is no normal black tee, but one that is specially designed by Edison for the family-- The Pepsi X Clot Limited tee. Below the Pepsi logo, there is a Clot logo in luminous paint.

Although Rain has just joined Pepsi, he has given a lot of inputs with regards to the CF. Even Rain's manager did not expect this. Rain also suggested creatingg some new things with Pepsi.

LI Su Fang expressed, "This is the first time we're working with a Korean artiste. Korean artistes are always very professional and disciplined. unexpectedly, Rain and us share the same thoughts. not only does he like our concepts, he also personally took part in the preparation work and meetings, and have given us many good suggestions."

According to sources, Rain will be working with Gu Tian Le, Jolin Tsai and Edison Chan for his CF.

Rain gained recognition from Jerry Bruckheimer - Possible entry into Hollywood reports
Credit: jinlees@soompi

Kr to Ch: Koreaguy
Ch to Eng: Rayndrop

Stars gather at TIME 100 party organised by US Time Magazine.
Famous film producer Jerry Bruckheimer, P.Diddy and Will Smith paid close attention to Rain.

The party commenced at 8.30pm on the 8th May. Jerry Bruckheimer who was sitting beside Rain had a two hour conversation with him, analysising his entry into the market.

The JYP staff who was Rain expressed, "Jerry Bruckheimer asked if Rain was interested in going into US movies market. He left Rain with a contact and hope to keep in contact after the party."

Jerry Bruckheimer introduced Rain to the movies he made, as well as the TV series "CSI", and the movie which he collaborated with Chow Yun Fat. Jerry Bruckheimer said, "Through working with Chow, I got to realised that Asian artistes are very serious in their work, and are very humble."

Rain to Tour Asia

Singer Rain will tour 11 Asian nations, holding a total of 35 concerts to mark the release of his fourth feature album. The tour is expected to be his first step toward becoming a world-famous star after he was named one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World" by U.S. weekly magazine TIME.

StarM Planning, the organizer of the tour entitled "Global Project 1st Concert in the World - Rain Asian Tour", said Wednesday that it will spend 40 billion won (40 million dollars) on the 2006/2007 Rain Asian tour.

The agency added that staff members for Rain's tour will include prominent stage designer Mark Fisher, who has worked for Michael Jackson, The Rolling Stones, U2, and other famous artists, and choreographer Jamie King, who has helped Rickey Martin, Britney Spears, and Madonna with their performances.

In addition to state-of-the-art video and audio equipment, special lighting and effects technologies will be utilized to insure perfect performances.

Rain is expected to draw more than 1 million audience members during his tour to the 11 nations of Korea. Japan, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia.

"Considering our plan to show his tour performances through streaming files on the internet and to release DVDs, some 30 percent of the entire Asian population will come to directly and indirectly watch him perform", StarM Planning said. "We will use the tour to validate Rain's ability as a musician who can favorably compare with other world-famous musicians, and then we will organize a world tour for him".

Source : ( English )

Rain Walks Red Carpet as One of the Time 100 (2006/05/09)

K-Pop superstar Rain headed to New York again with his credentials boosted by being named as one of the world's "most influential" stars. After being designated by Time magazine as one of the "Time 100", the star walked down the red carpet at the Lincoln Center in a ceremony for those who made the list on Monday (local time).

The first Korean performer to receive such an honor, Rain afterwards attended the Time 100 party, where he was given a commemorative medal along with the likes of Condoleezza Rice, George Lucas and Russell Crowe. Another Korean who made it onto the list, Prof. Jim Yong Kim of Harvard Medical School, also attended the day's festivities.

Meanwhile, Rain's selection to the Time 100 has been well received by the world's Netizens.

In a poll by AOL News asking Netizens if the selection was justified, 69 percent agreed that Rain deserved the honor. An ongoing poll on the Time website that asks visitors how influential those selected are, Rain garnered a mark of 4.53 out of a maximum of 5, which puts him in second place following actor Dane Cook.

Rain is scheduled to return to Korea on Wednesday morning and continue filming his debut movie "Cyborg Girl" in Busan.

Source : ( English Chinese Korean Japanese )

U.S. Broadcasting Firm ABC Likely to Shoot a Documentary on Singer Rain

American Broadcasting Company, one of the U.S. three largest broadcasting firms, will likely make a documentary film on the Korean singer Rain, who recently made his debut in American arena after gaining tremendous popularity across Asia.

The Korean singer Rain said on May 8 (Monday), "Rudy Bednar, an executive producer, told me that he wanted to make a TV documentary about me". He made the remarks at a meeting with Korean correspondents in New York on Monday.

The ABC producer Bednar was quoted by Rain as saying, "Because Rain is an icon of Asian popular culture to which the American people have recently been drawn, I want to shoot a documentary film about him".

"I hope to work together with Rain because he is anticipated to succeed in the U.S"., Bednar reportedly stated. "I know how great Rain's popularity is among Asian people".

Accompanied by his father Jeong Gi-chun, Rain (Bi in Korean) attended a party which took place on Monday at the Jazz at Lincoln Center for those selected as the 100 most influential figures by the U.S. Time magazine.

Rain was recently included on the U.S. magazine's list "Time 100: The people who shape our world", calling him the "face of pop globalism", which now brings pop culture from Asia to the West.

As a support of his selection, the U.S. magazine mentioned, "Rain has ridden the crest of 'hallyu', or the Korean wave", following his performance at the Madison Square Garden in two sold-out shows last February.

"I am very happy", Rain said. "I believe the rising American interest in Asian culture would lead him to success in the U.S. market in spite of language barriers and the traditional strength of white singers".

The two other Koreans on the list are a teen golfing prodigy Michelle Wie and Jim Yong Kim, a Harvard Medical School professor renowned for his efforts to eradicate tuberculosis and to find a cure against AIDS.
Kim attended the party, but Wie was absent from the party because she has been staying in Korea after competing against male golfers in a golf tournament.

By Sunny Park

Source : ( English )

Monday, May 08, 2006

Rain's Fans at Benamoo send congratulatory sweet cakes

Bi'ers at Benamoo sends sweet cake in celebration

Journalist 이해리 reports (
Credit: // jinlees@soompi

Fans of singer, Rain, at Benamoo has sent sweet cakes to all the media. This is to celebrate Bi making the "Time 100 most influential people in the world" list, where he got the second highest number of votes in the "Entertainers and Artistes" category.

Fans delivered the white and yellow packaged heart-shaped sweet cakes, along with their message, to every media's entertainment editorial departments.

In the message, Benamoo members wrote, "Rain is the first Korean artiste to be selected by TIME as one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World". To share our joy with everybody, here are some celebratoy sweet cakes. Please continue to show support and concern to Rain who is going global."

Rain has received invitation from TIME magazine, and will be departing on the 7th for US to attend the TIME 100 party which is held at Lincoln Center on the 8th May.

Related News:

Rain's Fans at Benamoo send congratulatory sweet cakes
Chosun Daily (Chinese), 05 May 06

Ch to Eng: Rayndrop

"Although small, but this is our token."

Rain's fans Benamoo at Daum forums kicked off a project to send congratulatory sweet cakes to the media on 4th may. This is to celebrate Rain becoming the first Korean artiste to be selected as one of TIME's "100 Most Influential People in the World".

Benamoo enclosed a message along with the cakes, "The joy becomes greater when shared; we have prepared these cakes to share our joy."

Founder of Benamoo, Kim Do-Yong (Translator: I hope I got this right) said, "After the TIME 100 news was released, someone in the forum suggested sending cakes, and started the funds collection the very next day for this project." The cakes were also sent to Rain's home and JYPE.

Benamoo is a Rain's fanclub forum in Daum website for adults of 20 years and above. Benamoo has about 85000 members.

Rain, "Not just a performer, but becoming an Artist"

Rain, who has been selected by TIME as one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World" for 2006 shares his experience with other stars in preparation.

Rain met up with contestants of the SBS survival show "Superstar Survival" in Bangkok on 26 Feb at Impact Arena. The contestants were pleasantly surprised when they bumped into Rain, who had just finished his Rainy Day rehearsal. They asked him on several issues that were worrying them, and Rain shared his thoughts whole-heartedly with these contestants on making their dreams into reality. He said, "Play hard when it's time to play, and practise with passion when it's time to practise. Become an artist." If you have practised and prepared sufficiently, you will have confidence and not feel nervous." He continued, "If you give up because of hardship, then it just ends there, and you lose your goals in the future. If you endure and persist, you will definitely be able to achieve great success." He told the contestants to have confidence and to continuously challenge their goals. At the same time, Rain called Lee Jun-ho, who was said to look very much like him, to his side, asking, "Do we look alike?", "I think we have many similarities; especially that Jun-ho looks like me when I was in Junior High." Rain's meeting with these contestants will be aired on 6th May at 4.40pm. reports
05 May 2006
Credit: jinlees@soompi
Kr to Ch: wrainw
Ch to Eng: Rayndrop

Rain "Grateful that my first movie is done with Director Pak"

Rain, who has been elected by US Times Magazine as "100 most influential people in the world", talks about his first movie project, and reveals his trust and expectations of Director Pak.

Rain is currently filming the movie "I am a Cyborg, is that OK" at Bu-san says in a personal interview with Star news, "I'm very happy that I'm already able to work with Director Pak in my first movie," fully revealing his expectations towards Director Pak.

When asked the more sensitive questions about the movie, Rain says, "The process of filming the movie is very interesting. When you look at Director Pak who is in the front line giving directions, you'll feel that this is a movie more interesting than any other films. I'm thankful that I'm given the chance to work with Director Pak on my first movie."

Rain became an actor when he participated in the drama "Sangdoo, let's go to school" in 2003, and he has accumulated a lot of acting experience between that and his role in "Ijuksa" last year. Amists the numerous movie contracts that was offered to him, Rain chose Director Pak's script as his debut movie.

Rain would also like to give thanks to the middle-age female fans who came from all over Asia to give him support at the Bu-san filming site.

You can feel the great support from the mother-fans. They brought a lot of food along with them. One day Japanese, the other day Taiwanese, as well as the China fans. They prepared so much food. If this goes on, it looks like Rain may grow fat; he needs to exercise more!

"I'm a Cyborg, is that OK?" describes how Rain meets a girl who thinks that she is a cyborg (Im Soo Jung) in a mental hospital. They develop a romantic relationship from there. In the film, Rain plays the role of a young man with a special mentality that he has the ability to steal other people's special characteristics.

Rain will be releasing his second Japanese single, "Free Way" on 7th June. His Korean album is slated for release around September. Rain's concert tour starts end of this year, while his English album is estimated for release mid next year (2007).

03 May 06
Credits: // jinless@soompi
Kr to Ch: Eunhye
Ch to Eng: Rayndrop

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Rain Invited to ABC TV Headquarters in New York

Singer Rain has been invited to the headquarters of ABC TV in New York.

Rain was recently selected by the U.S. weekly magazine TIME as one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World" (Time 100). He will leave Seoul on the morning of May 7 to attend a "Time 100" party to be held at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York on May 8 at 8:30 p.m., local time. The trip has garnered attention, as Rain is expected to meet a senior executive of ABC TV, one of the major American TV networks, at the company's headquarters in New York.

According to a person close to Rain, he will visit the ABC TV headquarters in New York on May 8 at noon before heading for the "Time 100" red carpet ceremony. He is visiting ABC at the company's invitation. During his visit, he is expected to have a meeting with a senior executive at ABC to discuss the possibility of his appearing on the TV network.

An official from his agency, JYP Entertainment, has recently said, "Some time ago, we were contacted by an official from ABC TV. The official asked about Rain, his plans, and the possibility of his appearing on ABC TV".

Under these circumstances, if his meeting with the ABC TV executive results in his appearance on the TV's nationwide network, it will have a positive effect on enhancing his recognition in the United States. Rain officially declared his plan to advance into the American market in February, when he gave a solo concert at the Madison Square Garden in New York, a first for an Asian singer.

Following his attendance at the "Time 100" party, Rain will return home on the morning of May 10. Upon arriving, he will head for Busan to act in director Park Chan-wook's new film "I'm a Cyborg, But That's Okay", the first film he has ever acted in. Since late March, Rain has been staying in Busan to shoot the film.

Source : ( English )

Koreans Recognized as “People Who Shape Our World”

Three Koreans have been selected for this issue of "Time 100: The People Who Shape Our World", printed in Time Weekly, which will hit newsstands May 8, 2006. The three Korean influences who are said to have a major global impact are pop-star and singer Rain, 16-year-old golf pro Michelle Wie, and tuberculosis genius Jim Yong Kim.

Rain, "whose style virtually clones American pop", is the latest rage, who is sweeping popularity across the world. "Rain, after all, falls on everyone", says the article, which suggests that pop culture is no longer a mere movement from the West to the rest of the world, but rather "a global swirl, no more constrained by borders than the weather".

Jung Ji-hoon (real name) was popular in America before he even visited the U.S. (via TV, internet, and soap opera DVDs), and his two shows at Madison Square Gardens earlier this year completely sold out. He still plans to come West, as he continues to study English day and night. With his "angelic face, killer bod, and Justin Timber-like dance moves", at 23, "Rain is the face—and well-muscled torso—of pop globalism".

Michelle Wie, the young Hawaiian high schooler, entered the realm of pro golfers in October, and already, her dreams are big. She is already ranked No. 2 among world women golfers only 7 months after turning pro, and she intends to be the first woman to play the Masters, refusing to let barriers of race, gender, or skepticism stand in her way.

Her sponsors, Nike and Sony, already provide her with a generous $10 million a year in endorsements, but while she continues to draw many fans from across the globe, she has yet to win the titles. However, her hopes are high, and she thinks that maybe this is her year. The article claims, "She has the talent: her game has both power and finesse, and her tenacity is Tiger-like".

Dr. Jim Yong Kim, according to the article, is trying to "solve some of the world's most difficult problems". A genius in the field of medicine, he has played an enormous role in advancing tuberculosis treatments, and he hopes to do the same for AIDS. Trained as both a physician and anthropologist, he earned his MD and PhD at Harvard University. He is the chief of both the Department of Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School and the Division of Social Medicine at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital.

Dr. Kim and his colleagues proved experts wrong when they found a way to treat the so-called drug-resistant TB, while working among those infected with the disease in Lima, Peru. Additionally, says the article, Kim "led a campaign that forced down the prices of the necessary drugs about 90%. Since then, 36 countries have adopted the protocols Kim and his colleagues devised".

While he's done much to increase the number of recipients receiving HIV/AIDS treatment from 2003-2005, he doesn't feel he's gone far enough. No one knows what he'll do next, but you can bet whatever it is will be remarkable. One of Dr. Kim's university students recounts that he is one who makes you believe you can change the world.

By Krista Empey

Source : ( English )