Sunday, March 19, 2006

Rain Thoughts, Rain Drops

Mar 18, '06 9:01 AM ET

"Never-ending humility; never-ending perserverance; never-ending diligence. That's my motto in life"

"Onstage, I am the best. Offstage, I am just a nobody"

"You can dream when sleeping; but when I'm awake, I can still dream"

"I will always remember the promise I made to my fans onstage. If I can't fulfill my promises, I can't fall asleep"

"You have to be 120% prepared to give your 100% onstage"

"Even when I think I'm already at my peak, and there's nowhere else to go but downhill, I will still go on..."

"Compared to years of experience, the method to getting the job done is more important"

"I'm always battling with myself; please let me win the battle this time too"
(Thank you speech in third album)

"When acting, I hope to be the best actor; when holding the mike, I hope to be the best singer"

"It's ok, this is me. Just do better the next time round"
(When he makes a mistake)

"I do it for the sake of surpassing myself"

"I know not everybody will like me, so I will work harder."

"Although it's tiring not to be able to sleep now, but in any case, after I die, there will be plenty of time to sleep. I approach my practises with this in mind"
(in third album)

Credits: Sammi@biwithrain
Kr to Ch: natsuki
Ch to Eng: Rayndrop


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